Understanding Anxiety

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understanding anxiety - woman dressed snuggly holding her hands over her mouth

Anxiety is a mental and physical reaction to perceived threats. In small doses, anxiety is helpful. It helps us react to danger, and focuses our attention on a particular problem. But when anxiety is too severe, or occurs too frequently, it can become debilitating.


• Uncontrollable worry

• Poor concentration

• Excessive nervousness

• Increased heart rate

• Sleep difficulties

• Blurry vision

• Indigestion

• Muscle tension

• Avoidance of fear


• Generalized anxiety

• Phobias

• Panic


Anxiety drives people to avoid the things that are scary to them. When a ‘scary’ thing is avoided, there is an immediate short-lived sense of relief. However, next time a similar threat arises, it feels even scarier. This created a harmful cycle of avoidance, and worsens the anxiety.


Therapy: One of the effective treatments of anxiety is cognitive behavioural therapy (also known as CBT). This kind of talk therapy involves the therapist working with the client to challenge and restructure negative/unhelpful thinking that is associated with feelings of anxiousness. This therapy also helps the client through behavioural exercise/activities so they can learn new skills to cope with the anxiety.

Skills training: Various techniques and skills are explored in therapy, such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and mindfulness. These may provide immediate relief from the symptoms of anxiety. With practice, these skills can help in manage the symptoms of anxiety

Medication: Can help manage and help to control the symptoms of anxiety. It does not fix the underlying problem of anxiety. Medication is typically used in conjunction with therapy. The need for medication is assessed case by case

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